
Mogadishu Marine High School Curriculum

Mogadishu Marine High School Curriculum


The required courses for College Preparatory High School Diplomas at the Mogadishu Marine High School (MMHS) is set by the Board of Directors of the Marine & Fisheries Institute (MFI) in Consultation with the Somali Federal Government Ministry of Education. The courses indicated below provide maritime training at the secondary level of education. The training is structured to provide knowledge about the maritime industry as well as demonstrate the career opportunities available to high school graduates within the maritime industry. Graduates can choose to go directly to work for a shipyard or maritime company or continue their education by attending a maritime college like the Marine & Fisheries Institute degree program.

The MMHS School Year will run between September and June, weekly classes will be held Saturday through Thursday with 7 periods per day between Saturday and Wednesday and each period will be 45 Minutes long. Classes will start at 8:00 AM and will end at 3:00 PM. Thursday will be for special programs. School will be closed during the Summer which is between the last week of June and the first week of September.

To graduate from the College Preparatory Maritime high school program, students must complete at a minimum, 26 units of credit in the following subjects:

​Units of Credits Subject:

  • 4 Mathematics (from algebra, geometry, trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, Statistics)
  • 4 English
  • 3 Physical Science (Biology, Chemistry & Physics)
  • 4 Maritime Studies, Skills & Career Preparation
  • 4 Social Science (Economics, History, Geography – World & Somalia)
  • 2 Foreign Language
  • 2 Technology
  • 2 Physical Education
  • 1 Somali Language

Grade 9:
English 9, Algebra I, World History, Biology, Physical Education I, Technology I, Introduction to General Maritime Studies

Grade 10:
English 10, Geometry, Foreign Language I, Geography, Chemistry, Physical Education II, Introduction to Maritime Skills

Grade 11:
English 11, Trigonometry/ Algebra II, Foreign Language II, Technology II, Advanced General Maritime Studies

Grade 12:
English 12, Introduction to Economics, Pre-Calculus, Physics, Maritime Career Preparation

High School Courses List:


  • English 9
  • English 10
  • English 11 (Speaking & Composition)
  • English 12 (Creative Writing)


  • Algebra & Geometry
  • Algebra 2 with Trigonometry
  • Functions/Probability/Trigonometry
  • Pre-Calculus


  • Biology;
  • Physics;
  • Chemistry;
  • Environmental Sciences; &Anatomy and Physiology.

Social Studies:

  • World History
  • World Geography
  • Modern Somali History/
  • Constitution & Government
  • Introduction to Economics


  • English Language
  • Somali Language & Literature
  • Arabic Language

Health & Physical Education:

  • PE I – Exercise & Swimming
  • Health Education & Boating

Maritime Studies:

  • Marine Skills
  • Maritime Skills
  • Maritime Career Preparations
  • Maritime Career Preparations

Information Technology

  • Keyboarding & Computing Basics
  • Productivity Software,
  • Internet & Social Media

Islamic Studies

  • Islamic studies I
  • Islamic Studies II

Electives (Choose One)

  • Environmental Sciences
  • Meteorology
  • Programming
  • Greenhouse Tech
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Web Design
  • Driving

Community Services is a requirement for all students.


Campus Life

Campus Life


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The CU Management offices are housed in the K4-Campus along with a number of the Administrative Offices.

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Limited, Conditional Employment for CU students



Government & Clubs

The CU student government has three branches

Government & Clubs